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Kom Tau Kev Pab Dawb

MNsure cov kws (“cov neeg pab”) yeej npaj txhij pab koj!

Hu 651-539-2099 los yog 855-366-7873 kom tau kev pab yam siv koj hom lus los yog kom tau tus xov tooj ntawm ib tug kws kawm tawm ntawm MNsure-los pab uas txawj hais koj hom lus.

Vim Li Cas Kuv Thiaj Yuav Tau Siv ib tug neeg Pab (Assister)?

Ua hauj lwm nrog ib tug neeg pab koj (tus neeg pab taw kev qhia los yog tus neeg ua hauj lwm nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm tus neeg muag thiab tus yuav los yog tus broker) yeej pab tau koj kom qhov txheej txheem ua daim ntawv thov kev pab kom yooj yim thiab kom cuv tau npe rau ntawm ntawv kho mob. Cov neeg pab koj yeej paub txog qhov txheej txheem thiab yuav taw qhia kom ua tag nrho cov kauj ruam.

Yog tias koj yeej tso cai kiag, ib tug neeg pab koj ntawm yeej ua kom tiav daim ntawv thov thiab xa mus ua koj tug. Lawv yeej pab tau koj nrhiav kom tau daim ntawv kho mob kom haum koj, tso kom tag cov se tax credit es tej zaum koj yeej tsis nyog tau, thiab cuv koj npe rau daim ntawv kho mob.

Koj yeej tseem yog tus lav phib xaub es los teb cov ntawv ceeb toom es koj tau txais thiab them cov nqi ntawm daim ntawv kho mob txhua lub hlis es tej zaum yuav tsum tau pib them los yog kom daim ntawv kho mob thiaj them cov nuj nqis tom ntej no.

Kuv puas yuav tsum tau siv tus neeg taw kev (Navigator) los yog tus neeg ua hauj lwm nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm tus neeg muag thiab tus yuav (broker)?

Pab los ntawm tus neeg taw kev (Navigator)

MNsure tus neeg taw kev (navigators) muaj daim ntawv pov thawj yeej kawm tiav yog cov kws hauv zos, muaj kev ntseeg siab nyob rau hauv cov koom haum hauv zej zog. Koj yeej siv tau tus neeg taw kev (navigators) pab koj ua kom tiav daim ntawv thov thiab cuv npe kom muaj daim ntawv kho mob. Lawv yeej pab tau koj rov tauj hnub nyoog rau daim ntawv kho mob, qhia tej yam hloov ntawm koj tus account thiab rov qab hu mus nug txog qhov kev cuv npe seb zoo li cas lawm.

Tus neeg taw kev (navigators) tshaj lij rau kev pab cuv npe rau daim ntawv kho mob Medical Assistance thiab MinnesotaCare rau cov neeg khwv tau nyiaj tsawg rau cov pej xeem nyob lub xeev Minnesota. Tus neeg taw kev (navigators) yeej pab tau koj cuv npe rau cov ntaub ntawv kho mob private insurance plan thiab pab qhia kom paub txog daim ntawv kho mob, tabsis lawm qhia tsis tau koj tias koj yuav tsum xaiv hom ntawv kho mob private insurance plan twg, tsis zoo ib yam li tus neeg ua hauj lwm nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm tus neeg muag thiab tus yuav (broker).

Tej co neeg taw kev (navigators) yeej muaj daim ntawv pov thawj los pab tej tus neeg es ua ntawv thov kom tau koob tshuaj xav pab rau ntshav qab zib hu ua insulin assistance program.

Cov kev pab los ntawm MNsure tus neeg taw kev (navigators) mas yeej pab dawb tas li xwb.

Saib ib daim ntawv qhia chaw (a map (PDF) kom nrhiav tau ib lub koos haum es pab rau ib cheeb tsam ntawd.

Pab los ntawm tus neeg ua hauj lwm nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm tus neeg muag thiab tus yuav (broker).

Tus neeg ua hauj lwm nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm tus neeg muag thiab tus yuav (broker) yog cov kws muaj daim ntawv tso cai los ntawm lub xeev Minnesota thiab muaj daim ntawv pov thawj lees paub los ntawm MNsure es yog cov pab rau kev cuv npe thiab yeej qhia tau tias hom ntawv kho mob twg thiaj zoo dua.

MNsure-tus neeg muag daim ntawv kho mob pab kom koj nkag siab txog kev xaiv ntawm koj daim ntawv kho mob thiab tawm tswv yim tias hom ntawv kho mob twg thiaj zoo dua kom tau raws koj siab xav. Lawv yeej pab tau koj tim ntsej tim muag los yog hauv lub xov tooj.

Cov tuam txhab muag daim ntawv kho mob feem ntau yeej them tus brokers thaum lawv cuv tau neeg npe rau cov private health plans. Tej co brokers tsuas muag tau rau tej co tuam txhab muag daim ntawv kho mob nkaus xwb.

Cov kev pab los ntawm MNsure-certified brokers mas yeej pab dawb. Cov brokers yuav tsum qhia rau koj ua ntej seb lawv puas tsum nqi rau koj them, thiab them puas tsawg.

Broker Enrollment Centers: Qhov chaw cuv npe yog qhov chaw kom chaw mus los tau yooj yim, muaj cov chaw rau koj cia li nkag mus ntsib xwb tsis tas teem caij es kom taus kev pab dawb los ntawm MNsure-certified brokers.

Saib daim ntawv qhia chaw (PDF) ntawm MNsure broker cov chaw cuv npe.

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