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Update Staff on Your Roster

An agency can use AMP to update any of the following information

  • Inactivate or reactivate staff
  • Update authorization to have an assister portal account
  • Update staff name and contact information
  • Update assister directory listing status and information

To make any of these updates, log in to AMP. From the “Agency Home” screen, click on “Staff Roster” or “Change a staff member on my roster.”

links on Agency Home to change staff

To edit the information for any individual staff member, click on the “View” link to the left of the name of the staff member.

The 'view' link to access staff record

Inactivate or Reactivate Staff

To inactivate a staff member, or to reactivate a staff member who was previously active, click on “Edit Certification Information” on the “View staff member” screen.


Under “Current Employment Status,” select the drop down box.

  • Select “Inactive” to inactivate a staff member.
  • Select “Reactivate” to reactivate a staff member who was previously inactivated.

employment status menu

If you are inactivating a staff member, do not change any other information. If applicable, they will immediately be removed from the assister directory and MNsure will suspend their assister portal access.

If you are reactivating a staff member, review the “Certification Information” and “Public-Facing Information” sections and update any information that has changed. MNsure will review their status and If they meet current certification requirements, their certification will be reactivated.

Update Assister Portal Authorization

To approve access to the assister portal, or to remove approval, click on “Edit Public-Facing Information” on the “View staff member” screen.

Edit public information link

Under “Assister Portal Access?” select either “Yes” or “No.”

assister portal access radio buttons

If you select “Yes,” the individual must still complete required assister portal training available in the MNsure Learning Center before MNsure will create an assister portal account. If you select “No,” MNsure will suspend their assister portal account if they currently have one.

Click on “Update” to submit the change.

Update Staff Name and Contact Information

To make a change to a staff member’s contact information, such as their name, address, phone number or unique email, click on “Edit Certification Information” on the “View staff member” screen.


After completing all updates, click on “Update” to submit the change.

Update Assister Directory Listing Status and Information

To add or remove a staff member from the assister directory, or to change their public-facing information, click on “Edit Public-Facing Information” on the “View staff member” screen.

Click on “Edit Public-Facing Information.”

Edit assister directory listing

To add or remove a staff member from the assister directory, select the appropriate option under “List on Assister Directory (Public)?” To remain in compliance with their contract, all navigator agencies must have at least one individual listed on the assister directory at all times. Agencies may request that the following individuals not be listed on the assister directory:

  • Certified navigators that act primarily in a supervisory capacity and do not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.
  • Certified navigators that provide support (such as pre-screening, setting up appointments, assisting with follow-up) and do not regularly directly assist consumers with completing an application.


  • The phone number and email entered here are what will appear to members of the general public in the assister directory. You may choose to enter a central phone number and/or email for the staff member.
  • Select any language the individual speaks fluently enough to provide navigator services.
  • When selecting counties served by the staff member, only select counties where the staff member is able to provide in-person assistance if requested by a consumer.

Click “Update” when you have completed all changes in this section.

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